Even the construction of a photovoltaic power plant must have a solid foundation. We know how to do it.

Each solar power plant project is unique - location, size, shape, geological and weather conditions, type of panels, availability. Therefore requires special care and a wide range of knowledge.

We are a new company that combines the team's many years of experience in the construction of power units and renewable energy sources with new trends and systems for the construction of photovoltaic power plants. We focus on optimizing the delivery system with an emphasis on maximizing its efficiency for the customer.

Our supply partners represent the top quality and reliability of service in the field of PV system manufacturing and installation.

The team is made up of experienced power plant construction experts and young executives in the design, engineering, coordination and logistical support of the construction process. We are strongly focused on synergy with the customer and the quality of the final product.

Projects we are happy to show You

The complexity and quality assurance of solar power plant construction is a sum of individual steps, each of which we handle as a separate service with maximum attention to quality and parameters.

Designing the layout of the solar power plant project

Soil bearing capacity survey - optimizing costs and risks of anchoring constructions in the ground

Geodetic survey for the implementation project, construction and actual execution

Designing the structural solution for the entire solar power plant project

Optimizing the design of the constructions

Complete management of construction logistics, coordination of all deliveries and services

Execution of the construction foundation including testing

Installation of structures

Panel installation

Quality control of project implementation

Preparation of documents for documentation of actual execution