We offer expert technical assistance for the preparatory stages of solar projects. In the framework of your acquisition plans, feasibility analyses, technical and economic analyses, we offer optimization of the layout of the solar power plant. Based on the long-term experience of our design team, we will prepare variants of the spatial layout of the solar power plant structures with regard to the site conditions, the investor's intentions and the possibility of connection to the distribution grid or transmission system.
As part of our comprehensive services, we use testing equipment developed by BAYO.S for verifying and refining the calculated bearing capacity of foundation elements. Using data measured on-site, we optimize the foundation design. The ground test is carried out and evaluated according to Eurocode 7: EN 1997-1. Testing brings customers a reduction in project execution risk and optimization of investment costs for the implementation of the mechanical part of the PV plant.
We consult the customer on the design of the solution options and subsequently implement the design documentation in close cooperation with the construction manufacturers and service providers.
For the implementation of PVPPs, we select technological solutions with a high quality guarantee, which, together with precision, ensure trouble-free operation.
Design and testing facilities - Our own design facilities combined with the possibility of real testing of individual components of the structure directly with the manufacturer enable optimization for each individual project.
Anchoring of structures - Our technical solutions for anchoring structures take into account the parameters of the locality for the construction of photovoltaic power plants. They include anchoring with BAYO.S ground screws, which are the basis of the photovoltaic structure system for complex soil conditions, such as rocky or sandy soil profiles. For typical soil conditions, we carry out anchoring of structures using pile-driven profiles designed according to the type of structure or the requirements of the supporting structure manufacturer.
Above-ground supporting structure of the PVPP - Our solution is based on the use of standardized structures supplied by renowned European manufacturers. We effectively modify the designs according to the specific conditions of the locality. The photovoltaic structures we supply combine a steel supporting structure made of thin-walled galvanized profiles, founded by a dry method on ground screws or pile-driven profiles, and an aluminum system. The uniqueness lies precisely in the combination of suitable materials to optimize the overall design.
Our solution includes benefits that bring advantages to both the investor and the general contractor:
Installation on any type of substrate (rocks, landfills, sands, concrete, asphalt, etc.) without the need for wet processes or technological interruptions.
Immediate load-bearing capacity and high bearing capacity of foundation elements.
Long lifespan due to zinc coatings according to ČSN EN ISO 1461.
Use of any type of frame photovoltaic modules.
Quick and efficient assembly.
Possibility of subsequent height adjustment up to 60 cm.
ALU mounting system to eliminate galvanic corrosion with the possibility of thermal expansion.
Highest standard of connecting material - stainless steel or DELTA protect.
Certified according to ČSN EN 1090.
Easy maintenance and replacement of PV modules.
Environmentally friendly - fully recyclable, no soil contamination, low carbon footprint compared to conventional technologies
We use state-of-the-art BAYO.S technologies for installing ground screws and driven piles in our project implementation, ranging from manual gear sets for installing smaller ground screws, quick-release couplings, to self-propelled drilling and driving machines for installing large volumes of foundation elements. We collaborate with renowned installation companies and teams specialized in solar power plant construction.
We efficiently manage the mechanical part of the photovoltaic power plant implementation with a team consisting of a project manager, senior project designer, and a logistician.
Our team is responsible for:
Schedule management
Coordination of subcontractors
Site activity management